The most frequently asked questions about Tinearity G1
During the last two weeks, our first users received their Tinearity G1 and it will be an exciting journey ahead. We look forward to hearing about users' experiences and results. We have therefore collected the most common questions about Tinearity G1 and the treatment.
Why buy Duearity when you can have bone conduction headphones?
It is true that there are headphones based on bone conduction technology that you can use to listen to "white noise" from an app on your phone. The difference is that our product Tinearity has undergone extensive tests and reviews and is medically classified, which means that we have verified that it is de facto white noise that reaches the inner ear.
When you use white noise from an app in combination with ear plugs, speakers, headphones, etc., it is probably not the right sound that reaches the inner ear. That it is correct noise that reaches the inner ear is important from a treatment perspective.
Tinearity consists of audio elements and adapters. The sound elements emit white noise. The sound elements are placed in the adapters, which in turn are attached behind the ears.
What kind of warranty is there?
The warranty covers defects in the product. However, it is not possible to return if you consider that Tinearity G1 does not have any effect. There are two reasons for that. In part, the product is to be considered a hygiene product, which means that it may not be taken back and sent out again. In part, Tinearity G1 is based on research in white noise and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. According to research results, results are achieved after 6-24 months.
What kind of studies have we done around Tinearity G1?
We have only conducted a so-called user test where around 30 people tested the Tinearity G1 for a day. The aim was to investigate how the people experienced the ease of use.
But the fact is that the majority spontaneously said that they experienced the sound as pleasant and relaxing. Furthermore, we know from research reports that white noise provides relief for the vast majority of people, and we have had one of the world's foremost professors in bone conduction technology investigate whether the white noise reaches the inner ear, which he confirmed.
We will start a clinical study in 2023.
Does it work together with my hearing aid?
Tinearity G1 can possibly be used while wearing a hearing aid. Our assessment, based on our research, is that the majority of people with tinnitus suffer or are bothered most in the evening and at night when the hearing aid has been taken off.
In our manual, which you can find on our website, you can compare your audiogram with the hearing curve that shows whether Tinearity works for you.
What to expect after treatment?
We know from experience that the tinnitus symptoms can be alleviated but usually do not disappear, that the sound is there, but is no longer perceived as annoying. The goal of treating oneself with white noise or TRT is to reduce the negative reactions to the sound, such as irritation and feeling depressed.
Then you have gotten used to the sound, it is there but you don't perceive it or perceive it as weak if you don't actively listen and think about it.
Use on both ears?
We recommend using two sound generators, one behind each ear.
We have listed hyperacusis as a contraindication, which means that we believe that you should not use the Tinearity G1 if you have this condition. You can see it as a form of disclaimer. At the same time, we know that white noise is used in the treatment of hyperacusis.
If you are hypersensitive to sound, our recommendation is to start gently and gradually increase the volume over time so that the white noise reaches your tinnitus volume.
What is the right sound level?
When it comes to the perceived tinnitus volume, this varies from person to person. Tinnitus is experienced as disturbing and you want to mask it with Tinearity by turning up the volume until you are not disturbed by the tinnitus. Which level it is will be individual but it could reasonably be any of the following options:
- an amplitude just below your tinnitus level
- an amplitude the same as your tinnitus level
- an amplitude just above your tinnitus level
In the long run, you will certainly change the volume depending on the situation you are in and how your tinnitus changes. Stress usually leads to tinnitus increasing in strength and then you want to increase the volume and then lower it when you become more relaxed and your tinnitus decreases in strength.
Do you also need CBT?
Tinnitus can be alleviated and treated with white noise alone.
There are some scientifically and clinically accepted methods to relieve and treat tinnitus. One is CBT which, simply explained, aims for a person together with a psychologist or therapist to come up with a strategy for how to ignore their tinnitus, to create an acceptance for tinnitus and to accept that they are affected.
Another method is sound therapy in the form of white noise, which aims to change the perception of the tinnitus symptoms or the reaction to tinnitus after a while. White noise can help distract you from the intrusive tinnitus sound, or help the brain become more accustomed to it and eventually be able to ignore it. This is called habituation.
Then there is TRT, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, which is a combination of CBT and white noise.
There are a number of other types of noise besides white, such as brown, gray and pink. We have chosen white noise because it has been used for decades and the research has not progressed as far as the other types of sound.
We want to improve your quality of life and relieve your tinnitus
Duearity's purpose is to improve the lives of individuals with tinnitus and give them hope to enjoy life again. Therefore, we have created a medical device that can be used at any time, as each person experiences their tinnitus differently and needs different treatment times.
You can read more about the treatment by clicking here: Treatment with Tinearity G1 Please get in touch if you want to know more about how we at Duearity treat tinnitus: info@duearity.com