What is it like to live with tinnitus?
Tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, can lead to difficulty sleeping, worry and anxiety, and social isolation. Although there is no curative treatment, there are methods that can relieve symptoms and help living with tinnitus, such as TRT and white noise therapy. Below we have mentioned some common questions and answers about living with tinnitus.
How do you sleep with tinnitus?
Common consequences of tinnitus are, for example, difficulty sleeping, concentration problems, worry and anxiety, sound hypersensitivity, social isolation, depression, irritation and difficulty hearing. It's easy to fall into vicious circles, with worry leading to difficulty sleeping which leads to even more worry, which in turn can lead to the noise becoming even more bothersome.
Most people manage to break the vicious circle after a while and find their way back to peace and balance. But if the problems continue over a longer period of time, it is important to seek help, for example CBT treatment in combination with white noise treatment .
Is tinnitus permanent?
Everyone who suffers from this experiences the symptoms and problems differently. It can be experienced as a ringing, buzzing or hissing sound and can be temporary or permanent. There is currently no treatment that cures, but there are those available that alleviate the symptoms.
Can tinnitus go away?
Most people who get tinnitus get better on their own or after receiving treatment. There is no treatment that removes tinnitus, the treatment is instead aimed at alleviating the problems and improving the experience of the disturbing sounds.
Can stress-related tinnitus go away?
Tinnitus can decrease or disappear if the stress also decreases, it is not uncommon for tinnitus to increase in connection with stress or other psychological stress such as depression or trauma.
What is it like to live with tinnitus?
Approximately 3-5% of a population has life-threatening tinnitus that affects their ability to live a normal life. The vast majority of people who get tinnitus soon find that the sound gradually becomes less bothersome and think less and less about it until it is no longer a problem. For a smaller group, it takes longer to get used to, and the sound can give rise to worry and anxiety, which increases the discomfort.
Can you learn to live with tinnitus?
Yes, TRT, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy , is a method of reprogramming the experience of sound, the only accepted treatment method recommended by most of the scientific world. Cognitive behavioral therapy is similar to TRT and teaches the patient to live with the tinnitus symptoms and in combination with white noise therapy, 70-80% experience relief from their tinnitus.
How can we at Duearity help you?
We offer an aid that is flexible to use for many of those who suffer or are bothered by tinnitus and who want to treat or alleviate the symptoms with the help of white noise.
By flexibility, we mean that you should be able to use Tinearity G1 unhindered in all everyday situations without it disturbing you or others. Tinearity G1 can be used unnoticed in all kinds of situations, for example at work, training, sleeping, in the shower and at meetings. With Tinearity G1, you are simply free to choose.
If you want to buy our product Tinearity G1, you can do so by clicking here: Buy Tinearity G1
Please get in touch if you want to know more about how we at Duearity treat tinnitus: info@duearity.com